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Here’s a list of equipment that I used (or have used) to make my video art projects. When possible, these items have Amazon affiliate links. This means the price is the same as it normally would be on Amazon, but I get a small cut on the backend for the referral. This helps me to keep making projects and resources like this.

Updated 3/35/23


Moog Mother-32


Moog Subharmonicon

Moog Sound Studio

Moog Mavis

Volca Sample

Volca Modular

KOMA Elektronik Field Kit (Reverb link)

Arturia MicroFreak

Eurorack Format Synthesizer Modules

Erica Synths Sample Drum

2hp Kick

2hp Div

Plum Audio Temps Utile

Befaco VCMC CV-to-MIDI Interface Module

Intellijel 62hp Palette Case